Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Week 8 Part 2

The research process was actually rather fun.  I enjoy sniffing things out and the internet makes that process all the more quicker and easier.  What was frustrating was trying to boil down the complicated ideas and themes found in those articles once I had the ones I wanted.  The bibliographies were good to know how to do but their execution was frustrating. 

Something I stumbled across which caught my eye in the research process was that when women were shown two different shows, one that used models and one which used "real women", there was similar levels of body dissatisfaction among the women watching the shows.  It seems it is the focus on the body, regardless of shape, that influences how women feel about themselves.  At least, according to this particular experiment. 

The research paper was something I have not attempted since high school and I can honestly say, despite my frustrations with it, the experience was entirely different.  Granted, when I was in high school we barely had spell check on our computers and the internet was a fledgling bird, but still, I appreciated this experience much better.  At least now I have an inkling about how to properly do one.

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